The Ohngrens Established 2005

The Ohngrens Established 2005

Friday, April 23, 2010


So I have decided I officially hate Braxton Hicks contractions, they don't hurt at all, but having them all day long makes it so hard on my lungs. I can't breath at all, and I find myself most of the time trying not to hyperventilate! So annoying.
Last Night at 3 am I woke up suddenly cause I heard very faintly someone crying upstairs, I thought for sure it was KaraLynn so I woke up Steve to go check on her, which he was very irritated at me for. He went halfway up the stairs and then came back down saying I was crazy and there was complete silence, so very irritated I got out of bed, crawled over him (very heard to do being prego) and went up myself only to find her completely konked out. So I find myself feeling stupid cause I KNOW I heard someone crying. so I laid back down in bed and listened and again could hear the crying, I KNEW I WASN'T GOING CRAZY!!! As I listened harder it almost seemed like ti was outside, so then I was awake for about an hour until I couldn't hear it anymore worrying if there really was someone outside crying and if I was a horrible person for not checking??? Guess I will never know what it was or who it was. CrAzY

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